Achieved Questions

How hot is the sun?

The sun is VERY hot!! The temperature at the surface of the sun is about 10,000 Fahrenheit (5,600 Celsius). The temperature rises from the surface of the sun inward towards the very hot center of the sun where it reaches about 27,000,000 Fahrenheit (15,000,000 Celsius).

Can you hear in space?

 The answer to this question is no. You cannot hear any sounds in near-empty space. This is because sound travels through the vibration of atoms and molecules in a medium (such as air and water). In space there is no air so sound has no way of traveling.

Does the earth rotate and how fast does it rotate?

Did you know the earth rotates!! It really does. Even though the ground feels solid and firm beneath our feet, when it actually is turning on it’s axis every 24 hours. Fortunatly gravity keeps you firmly attached to the planet, and because of the momentum you don’t feel the movement. Surprisingly there is a spot on the earth’s surface that is moving at 1675km/h or 465m/seconds. Thats 1,040 miles/hour. Imagine, every second your moving almost half a kilometer through space and you don’t even feel it.

How do astronauts eat in space?

 In a low-gravity environmeny (space), food and drinks would simply float away if they weren’t handled correctly. To fix the problem of food floating away, food is carefully contained and drnks are packaged as dehydrated powders. The astronauts add water to beverages through a special tube before drinking. Foods are either partially or completely dehydrated to prevent them from spoiling. Meats are exposed to radiation before they are put on board the shuttle to give them a longer shelf life.

 Who was the first person the travel in Space?

The first person to travel in space was Soviet cosmonaut Yuri A. Gagarin. Gagarin orbited the Earth in the spaceship Vostok I, which was launched April 12, 1961, in a flight lasting one hour and forty-eight minutes. The achievement made Gagarin an international hero.


How cold is Pluto?

Pluto is VERY cold. Believe it or not the temperature of the planet Pluto is -234°C. In Fahrenheit that is -390°C. That is very cold, well actually FREEZING.

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